Artist- Composer- Musical Director

Historic Recital in Nell Gwynne’s former bedroom!

This Sunday 10th February I’ll be accompanying Jane Milligan who is doing a solo recital at the historic Lauderdale House in North London’s worst/best kept secret of a neighbourhood, Highgate. It’s nearly twenty years since Jane and I first worked together, and as we are both now entering into our early thirties, you’d be right to draw the conclusion that we were in fact both child prodigies who used to perform regularly, in the manner of Mozart or similar, to various crowned heads of Europe, on what soon became an endless cycle of adolescent musical exploitation.

Now that the foolishness of those years is behind us, Jane will be singing her own individual selection of material, with all the songs skilfully interwoven with tales from her childhood. Although inevitably best-known for our Royal tours as court-style juvenile troubadours, it’s a little known fact that Jane’s father, who used the sobriquet “Spike”, was an eminent and highly successful entertainer in his own right, and she will be revealing more of the stories behind his previously unknown showbiz exploits as part of the afternoon’s recital. I will be accompanying Jane on piano and guitar, and for those of you who are wondering, yes, obviously, I will be playing both at the same time; you don’t get to become a childhood prodigy by just sitting at the piano, you know. The concert starts at 4:30pm, upstairs at Lauderdale House, Waterlow Park, Highgate. Nearest tube Archway. Nearest place serving alcohol, inside the venue itself- don’t say we never doing anything for you.

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